Knife box (SB-KB-01SS)
Price: 405.00
Product code: SB-KB-01SS
Brand: S-BOX

Files related to product
- s-box_universal_instructions_guide_master_doc_uus.pdf
- s-box-knife-box-2018.pdf
- 01-knife-box-data-sheet-032012.pdf
- 12mm-top-sketch-for-20-mm-worktops[5].pdf
- 12mm-top-sketch-for-30-and-40mm-worktop[5].pdf
- custom-top-instructions-for-20mm-work-surface[5].pdf
- cut-out-and-installation-guide[5].pdf
- flush_mount_installation_guide[4].pdf
- standard_instructions[4].pdf
Product description
A simple and safe way to keep your knives one touch away.
The shelf does not contain knives.
Standard finish - stainless steel frame and panel.
NB! It is also possible to install a flush top and install it inside the work surface, and the panel can also be made from the material of the work surface.
If the thickness of the material of the work surface is 20 mm and you want to cover the product with the material of the work surface, you have to purchase fasteners as ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT, costing 39 EUROS.